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The Finished Pantry!

November 11, 2015

final pantry 2 copy

The pantry is complete and I'm sharing a bunch of photos today! We actually finished it a couple weeks ago, and it has been a dream to have and use. It signifies the completion of a year of hard work and transformation in our home, but specifically this corner of the home. The best way I can show you is through this before and after floor plan (substitute "current" with "previous"; we drew up these plans before the hammer swung):


After gutting a 4th bathroom and turning it into our laundry room with a coat closet and completely renovating our kitchen, the last project was this pantry. And it's emotional being done. It really is. The layout of this home makes so much more sense to us now and it feels more usable, too. So here's visual evidence of what was where the new walk in pantry is now:

laundry side before

Obviously I don't have a straight on view because there wasn't a doorway into the pantry/old laundry room from the kitchen at the time. But the photo below was taken during the demo phase of the kitchen and you can see the new doorway to the pantry on the left side.


When we were designing the pantry, I just wanted it to be simple and practical, really. A friend asked if we would tile the whole thing, and as dreamy as that sounds (so dreamy!)--there's no sink in here so what would be the point? We had a $1000 budget from Lowe's for this project, and we came in a few hundred dollars under budget (woot!) after paint, baseboards, MDF to frame in the freezer, white melamine shelves, brackets, support boards, food canisters and the wood crates.

pantry progress

After a lot of measuring and researching, we determined to store a variety of foods and supplies most efficiently, the best depths and heights of the shelves would look like this:


We supported the shelves with small support boards all the way under them (I painted to match the walls--Valspar's Soft Wool) and the white brackets provided extra support to where the two shelves met in the corner. Once everything was painted out and loaded up, we had ourselves a real live pantry.

final pantry 8

final pantry 1 copy

We went back and forth on whether we were going to match the above the freezer cabinet in here to the kitchen cabinets (Ikea Laxarby) or to the laundry room cabinets (Ikea Bodbyn). In the end, it felt more balanced to go with the off-white cabinet and match the color scheme in here similar to that of the laundry room since both rooms are directly off of the kitchen and, generally, simultaneously visible.

final pantry 3

A big chunk of our budget went to those Cuisinart food storage containers with black air-tight lids we picked up from Lowe's. We love them so much--we are ready to get some more so everything can match (not just the main wall when you walk in--haha). It's been so great to easily see all the dry goods we have in stock. No more buying double quinoa or more cereal because we weren't quite sure how much was in the box before heading to the store.

final pantry 4

final pantry 7

The bottom shelves we lined with wood crates from Lowe's. We designated them for chips, squash and onions, potatoes, breads/tortillas, and packets (oatmeal, protein bars, cocoa, etc.). I used a white paint pen to quickly label each chalkboard and it has been such a simple solution to chaos that tends to exist in a pantry.

final pantry 9

We had to leave the wall by the freezer pretty bare so that it could open, but also our circuit box is right there so it worked out. We were able to squeeze in some hooks for a broom and mop--handy! As a finishing touch, I hung a photo of a very young Greta cooking on the wall as you enter. Her smile is contagious and reflective of what we really hope this space is in the coming years--a place for all of us to cook and laugh and make some really great food.

final pantry 6

We close the pocket door when we leave and at night so Charly doesn't get too curious, but most of the time it is open for easy access from the kitchen to the freezer and dry staples.


final pantry 2 copy

That's a wrap on project pantry! If you've missed a step of this colossal renovation cluster along the way, you'll definitely want to check out the before and after of the laundry room, coat closet, and kitchen, too!

Paint color: Valspar Soft Wool | All Freezer : Frigidaire Professional | Upper Cabinet : Ikea Bodbyn | Cabinet Hardware: Rejuvenation | Cuisinart Food Canisters : Lowe's | Wood Crates : Lowe's | Pocket Door  (stained with Minwax English Chestnut) | Pocket Door handle, Amazon

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  1. The remodel looks great! Curious about your experience with the freezer in the pantry. We are remodeling and the new pantry is really large so I’d like to put our spare fridge in there vs. the laundry room so I have more space in there. My husband thinks the heat will spoil the food. We used to keep bread in a cabinet by the oven and it would ruin in days. We are just nervous to go through the work of putting it in to find it’s bad for the food. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thank you!

    1. We have since moved from this house, but we enjoyed this arrangement for YEARS and couldn't recommend it more. We LOVE LOVED LOVED it.

  2. Hi Julia & Chris!

    I am an interior design in Denver and find your posts and projects so inspiring. I've recently fallen in love with the Frigidaire professional collection and have proposed a double range, like yours, on one of my projects. We are also interested in putting the freezer in the pantry as you have! Question, how far does your freezer door open with it being against the wall? And are you able to remove the interior drawers with ease? The product manual recommends 20" of clearance which is crazy and I am hoping 3" of clearance would be enough to maintain functionality. Any insight you can provide is so very appreciated! Thanks!!!

  3. Hi! I realize this comment comes years after your project is complete... but curious if your storage crates from Lowe's have a brand name to them? No surprise that Lowe's no longer carries them :) Did they come as is or did you partially make them? Any insight would be great!

  4. We're in the process of building and it recently occurred to me that we could do the all fridge/all freezer thing too!! We have a pretty big pantry in our plans... Do you know offhand the dimensions of your pantry? I just shared your photos with my husband and he's super stoked at the idea!

      1. Thank you so much! And I finally went back and watched your kitchen cabinet video... Super helpful!! I was trying to explain those hidden drawers to my husband... I'll have to make him watch!

  5. How do you get your pocket door to stay closed? Manipulation until it leveled out or do you have some sort of closure?

  6. Question: When you decant all your dry goods, etc, how do you know what the cooking instructions and serving sizes are? Also expiration dates? Or do you just cook the same things often enough to know and go through them fast enough to not have to worry?


    1. Sometimes we'll cut the instructions from the box and put them in the tupperware, but for the most part, things like pasta, rice and oatmeal are pretty straightforward.

  7. I would like to 2nd the request for your pantry dimensions! In fact I am pleading. Last night I went to purchase the fridge/freezer set you have and learned the fridge door swings the wrong way for my plan. And no, sadly it can not be switched. in order to not start from square one on all my planning, I need to install the freezer into a pantry similar to yours. Please, please, please share the dimensions of your interior pantry. I am unsure if I will have enough depth to live with the freezer in a similar placement to yours.

    Thanks a gazillion if you are able to help!!!

  8. Can I ask the dimensions of your pantry room? And the dimensions of your mud/laundry? And also how do you like having your laundry in the mudroom? We are building a new home and struggling to get a separate laundry without adding more sq ft. My concern is the clothes won't make it into the hidden laundry basket in under the counter. They can't even manage to get it in a basket right infront of them.

  9. I'm so in lurve...this is ahmazing. I've been most excited about the pantry from the very beginning and the end result does not disappoint.

    Did you go with the melamine for easier clean-up on spills and things? Would it look okay for open shelves in a kitchen without a pantry? Or would it look chintzy? The idea of not having to do all that priming and painting is seriously appealing.

    1. For easy cleanup but also we were worried painted shelves would probably chip easier over time. I'm not sure how open shelving would look in melamine. It could look kind of thin?

      1. Yeah, like not sturdy/beefy enough visually...kind of what I was thinking. Still, great for this application.

  10. hi julia! (and chris) i would love to know which broom holder that is? i searched on amazon but there are so many, i'm a little overwhelmed. i love the simplicity of the one you chose. Your pantry (and truly everything you touch) is absolutely amazing!

  11. OMG, complete pantry envy. I don't even have a full cupboard. Looking at converting a room and powder room into a laundry and pantry, hopefully in the near future, cross fingers...

  12. The pantry turned out so great - amazing eye for detail and I know you're going to love it for years to come since your kitchen actually makes real food. Enjoy the fruits (haha) of all all your hard work! Cheers - CT

  13. I was just looking at their calendars today! I think the wood board on them is so nice, would be a great christmas gift!

  14. Hi there! Where did you get the photo of Charly printed/framed? Sort of looks like Print Studio... but I'm not totally sure. Adorable!

  15. This is so crazy amazing I can't stand it. We are working on redoing an old farmhouse, and have plans for a walk-in pantry, but I hadn't even started to think about the actual design of the interior of said pantry. I will for sure be referencing this post!

  16. Your pantry is heavenly! I seriously love every single thing about it. Your pocket door, crates, separate freezer, and picture of Greta are all perfection!

  17. Gorgeous! You've done such an amazing job on your entire house. Love the posts. Please do a DIY on the pantry shelves

  18. OMG Julia! I remember how you transformed the kitchen in your previous home, and can't BELIEVE the beautiful space you've created here. Looking at the 'before' pictures, it's amazing to see your vision...and then watch it come to life over time. You are such a gifted designer...thanks for sharing your journey. Cheers! Gina

  19. If I had your kitchen and pantry I would never leave my house to eat! So so great on so many levels! Swoon worthy for sure!

  20. I know the main function of a panty is to store food, but this is just so pretty to look at -- I spent a good minute just ogling your chopping station. Those knives on the wall--! Be still my heart. Your kitchen feels so homey and welcoming, plus all that counter space...I live in a old, rented home (which I love) with almost no counterspace, and I can't wait for the day I can realize my own kitchen dreams. ^_^

  21. Absolutely beautiful! I was reading one of the comments asking about so little food....we have changed to pretty much a no processed food life and I have to say that it is amazing the amount of space we have in our pantry now. Now the refrigerator is another story! It is bursting at the seams so good call on the full size fridge!

  22. Yes to the variety of hot sauces!!! Yall need some Frank's RedHot & Sriracha... I would lose my Mom license if we run out at our house.

  23. Wait, do you not have to refrigerate sauces after opening? For a second, I though, "I could declutter my fridge door!" but then I remember I also have no room in my pantry. Love the wide open space you've created where nothing feels smushed.

    1. You mean the hot sauces? Some you do, some you don't. We have a few (frank's and sriracha) in the fridge, but a lot you can store in the pantry!

      1. That is too complicated for me, a cooking simpleton. All of my sauces will be chilled, so as not to unleash a food poisoning plague upon my family. But thanks for the explanation!

  24. And JUST when I thought I couldn't be more obsessed with your kitchen...uhhhhhg it's seriously (seriously) amazing. :)

    such good work and thank you for the inspiration!!!

  25. Do you normally keep such a small amount of food in the house or was this mostly staged? It looks beautiful, but I am so amazed to see such a small stock of ingredients, since Chris is a chef. I mean, I didn't expect to see dozens of boxed dinners, but multiple cans of common ingredients like tomato sauce were definitely expected. I'm just being nosey, so feel free to ignore me: )

    1. Haha! I love these kinds of questions. This is legit it and I would say it is mostly unstaged except for the bowl of leftover halloween candy I took out of there before the pictures (haha). I even forgot to put the step stool in the photos--bad blogger! If you look closely, you can probably spot a lot of staples like rice and different grains and pasta, but I'm also gluten free, so there's not too much there. We eat mostly fresh foods and Chris prefers fresh ingredients, so we go grocery shopping 1-2 times a week. Also, we have a large storage room downstairs where we have a bunch of those large 25yr food storage cans, so now we just focus on what we eat week to week and stock the kitchen (fridge, freezer and pantry) with what is on the menu.

    2. Yeah, my pantry is bursting at the seams with canned goods and the like, but their pantry is way bigger, so I'm guessing that's why things looked a little spartan. Or maybe it was part of the staging. Either way, I'm so very jealous of all the room and organization (especially all the matching see through containers).

      1. Oh, that too! We went from a tiny pantry cupboard to this big room, so who knows, in a year we may have adjusted to the large size and things will look a lot more filled in. We'll be sure to update you!

    1. Not vintage, but best compliment ever! Actually, quite the opposite--We got it from Home Depot (haha!) and stained it in English Chestnut. I've added a direct link to the sources.

  26. Oh man I have so many heart eyes for this pantry! Ours is teeny tiny and under the stairs which adds a whole other challenge. Really love how this area of the house came together.

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