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Chris Cooks

Boos Block Giveaway!!

March 21, 2013
Giveaway is now closed.  Congratulations to Roger and Laurene who said, "Fresh basil for a good pesto!"
Lately, we have been very picky about our giveaways.  We want to make sure it is something that we're really excited about--so in turn, you'll be excited about.  That being said, get excited.  Today, a John Boos Butcher Block cutting board is up for grabs.
The folks over at John Boos & Co. (who carry everything from countertops, to sinks, to well, cutting boards) have offered up a round beauty in your choice of Maple or Walnut:

Both are are a chunky 3" thick and have a diameter of 18" and are drool-inducing. We love a good butcher block because they don't dull your knives, and they look real sharp sitting out on the counter at all times. Win, Win, Win.  (That last win is for one of you.)
The Nitty Gritty on winning:
Prize: (1) Boos Block in Maple or Walnut from John Boos & Co. --valued at $228-$320!! (depending on wood selection)
To Enter: Comment and let us know the first thing you'd slice up with your new block. Chris says he would slice up some potatoes for oven fries.  And me?  I would watch. ;)
For optional bonus entries:  Pin the Boos Block you would choose from this post / Like Chris Loves Julia on Facebook
Giveaway Closes: Thursday, March 28th at 11pm MST
Number of Winners: One
Prize Ships: Anywhere in the US of A.
Fine Print: You must be 18 or older to enter this giveaway. We'll summon after the giveaway closes to select our winner and announce it on Friday as an update to this post.

Now, play nice.

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  1. Ooooh these are gorgeous! I would cut up some strawberries and other fruit since my household is going through a fruit dip phase. I am mixing up a batch every few days!

  2. I would definitely chop up some nice fresh veggies from the Farmer's Market (which starts this weekend, can't wait to go!!)

  3. I don't think my post showed up, so I'm trying again. My husband has been wishing for one for a long time, and sweet potato fries is at the top of his list!

  4. The first thing I would cut is the crust off of my little guy's peanut butter sammich, haha. I love the walnut block. You are liked on fb.

  5. I love Boos blocks! I would use this guy to cut up some veggies really tiny so that I can hide them in dinner and get my fiance to eat his vitamins!

  6. Oooh, I love butcher block. I've been shopping for a new one, so this is perfect timing (if I win!). :) I love using wood cutting boards for my veggies for lunches and dinner!! I chop them up everyday, so it would get a lot of use!

  7. For myself, I would chop veggies and chicken and throw them in a stew! If I won this though, I would likely give it to my [boy]friend who actually does his own butchering for his family and for neighbors. I've had some of the meat he's prepared - and YUM, he's got skill! (If I'm lucky to be his wife, I'll be one happy woman with a very gifted husband!) He learned some tricks while on his mission in Uganda and Ethiopia, from companions and locals!

  8. Love your blog! I am with Julia and would play the role of spectator. My husband (also Chris) prepares wonderful stir fries, chopping all the ingredients before hand. I get to watch and then eat!

  9. I should probably say something unique, but it would probably be an onion! :) I went years that I didn't like/didn't eat onions, but now - I pretty much want them in everything. :) Those boards are BEAUTIFUL!

  10. I totally need to chop everything on a new cutting board, our old one is surely full of salmonella! First things first, shrimp for spicy shrimp and grits!

  11. Lindsey
    I would cut up a bunch of hard salami and cheese and use the board as a serving platter for a wine night!

  12. Ooo, the walnut is my fave. I would probably mince some herbs with my biggest knife b/c I would feel so legit with that board and a big knife.

  13. All of our current cutting boards would blush to be beside this thing! It would probably hang on our wall as art for awhile before we broke it in as a cutting board. They're both gorgeous! I love the maple one. 8}

  14. Sweet looking boards! I'd chop up some brocoli rabe, cherry tomoatos and garlic to saute with some sausage, great olive oil and orechiette!

  15. I'd slice up some veggies since my 4 yr. old son just said to me this morning "mom, we love vegetables, right? They make us big and strong, grrrr!" haha! - Emily H.

  16. Wow... that's a gorgeous hunk of wood.

    I'd dice up onions, carrots and celery and pretend like I'm on The Food Network while I'm doing it. LOL

  17. The first thing that I would chop up would be fresh veggies from the local farmer's market to throw into my homemade chicken noodle soup. :)

  18. I'm not big on cooking (that's my husband's job), but I do like to bake. First thing I'd use it for is probably to chop chocolate for his birthday cake!

  19. I'd chop up veggies for a yummy chicken and spring veggie stew. We belong to a CSA so we always have TONS of fresh fruits and veggies around!

  20. Very cool gift! I would slice up some avocado because that's what my 1 year old And 3 year old seem to be eating a lot of these days. Happy Thursday!

  21. Oh man, that's a pretty cutting board. I have a fridge full of vegetables and newly (professionally!) sharpened knives - it's meant to be! :)

  22. I love cutting boards, and would love to win!!!!! I would use it to chop my cilantro when I make my Cafe Rio burritos!!!!!! Hope you are feeling better!!!!

    --Virginia Hinson

  23. OOO those butcher blocks look awesome! Would love one on my counter to slice up some veggies for fajita night!

  24. Oh, purty! I would chop some carrots to roast in the oven. This would also be perfect for all the summer veggie chopping I do. We belong to a CSA and the amount of veggies is crazy!

  25. My current cutting board just broke inside the dish washer... i think the heat killed it. I want this beauty so I can chop down my vegetables!

  26. Oh, this is a perfectly-timed giveaway--my current cutting board is bowing and I eat vegan, so I use it for vegetables throughout the day. I already like you on Facebook!

    Hoping you're well!

  27. Lately I've been addicted to spinach salad with apple and blue cheese so I guess the first thing would be some apples, but if Spring gets here before the block does I might have to switch to leeks or asparagus!

  28. I would love to chop up some veggies and meat to throw into the crockpot. Might as well enjoy a warm meal while we're waiting for the real spring to get here!

  29. Those are gorgeous! The first thing I'd chop up are some veggies for a salad. As the weather warms up (sloooowly in Michigan!), I start craving more salads!

  30. aw snap! Maple finish for me! And I would slice up some fruit for my morning green smoothies - just had a deeeeelish "apple pie in a glass" this AM that I will DEF be making again..

    pinned as well :-)

  31. LOVE THIS!!!!! I would cut up some apples for my sweet girls to snack on. My husband would go crazy if we won this...he's been eyeing one like it for years that his parents have!


  32. I love the Walnut Block! The colors are amazing. I'd chop up some carrots. I've been loving cooked carrots with dinner lately. Luckily the husband loves them too. He told me the other night we could have carrots every night for dinner and he wouldn't mind.

  33. Thanks for offering the giveaway! I would chop up some fruit and cheese and serve it right on that beautiful board!

  34. This is an amazing giveaway! I would chop up my veggies for a green juice--kale, romaine, apple, and lemon.

  35. mmmmm....I would totally start slicing some avocados. Well, I'm like you Julia. I would watch my hubby do the slicing and reap the delicious benefits!

  36. It would be so fun for a wine and cheese party...who doesn't need a good excuse to have people over to their house?! Pinning the Walnut :)

    Amber (ambesmit at yahoo dot com)

  37. I would love to chop some fresh herb and onions on that baby. I promise I'll oil it monthly and keep it clean if you pick me! :)

  38. I'm with Chris. Slicing up some potatoes for fries. Cleaning a block off is a lot easier than wiping down the whole messy counter (or my husband forgetting to and I am wondering why it's all white and poundery the next day).

  39. Fresh fruit and veggies for easy snacks in the fridge! Love love love the walnut board. Great giveaway!

  40. Ooh, beautiful! I should probably use it to slice the veggies I'm trying to eat more of, but I'd probably use it to slice up some cheese.

  41. Oh man. I don't even know if I could bring myself to cut something on that. I may just end up snuggling with it instead? Orrrr maybe I'll steal Callie's idea and just go for some cheese to pair with my wine.

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