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Chris Cooks

Magnetic Knife Strips--You Want 'em Strong.

November 15, 2012
Back in September, we shared a photo of our new magnetic knife strip that we picked up at Ikea, and today I am back to tell you--it may not be the best choice.  The left side of ours has lost most of its magnetism, so we're left with just using the far right and crossing our fingers that the knives stay put.

Let me tell you, that's a scary thing to constantly be worrying about--your knives falling down.  No one should have to live that way; with that thought hanging over their heads...err hands.  The problem is, we fell for the convenience of the knife strip hard.  It was handy, better for our knives, and if you don't count the fact that the Ikea knife strip didn't hold the knives well--it is actually a lot safer than sticking your hand in a drawer of these sharp guys.

All that to say, we trashed the $10 13-inch Ikea strip and upgraded:

We sprung for the 20-inch MIU France Stainless Steel Magnetic Knife Bar knowing, from pictures and over 200 great reviews (what did we do before online reviews?), that we could hang it vertically and have even more knives conveniently out and ready to use. That sentence sounds crazy--like, how many knives do you need?!--but they're Chris's babies and he uses all of them.  A lot.

So far, so good--the magnet seems super strong and the knives aren't going anywhere.  Let's just hope it stays that way. I don't know if I can take anymore more stress about knives falling.

Is there a special place for knives in your house?  Is that a normal question?

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  1. I'm a big fan of magnetic knife holders that aren't metal and are therefore easier on your nice knife blades; no scratches and nicks. I found a handcrafted one on Etsy that I love, love, love. Works beautifully and gets lots of attention when friends hang out in my kitchen because it's cool looking with striped "zebra" grain. The knife holders also come with vintage glass dots or little bits or polished stone. Fun!

  2. My hubs is a professional chef, so I know all about male love affairs with knives, and how crazy sharp those bad boys are! I've been contemplating putting them on a magnet bar, as we have too many for our in drawer knife holder, so thanks f FYI- My hubs is a Global fan (for both his work and home knives), just incase anyone is looking for good quality but reasonable (for high end knives) priced options.

  3. Haha, I knew the knives were Wusthof as well. Guess the product training I got at work paid off. If you keep the rest in the drawer, and if they're worth anything, please make sure to keep them in knife sleeves! It will extend the life of the knives and also it's good for your own safety. You can DIY sleeves out of cardboard or buy some where you bought your knives.

    1. I shy away from cutting any sort of paper products with my kitchen knives, so the idea of protecting the cutting edge of of knives with paper products--more often than not made of wood--is a "no-no" for my family. But I do keep the knifes we store in a drawer in plastic sleeves. By the way, the cardboard constructed with brown kraft paper sandwiched with coarser corrugated medium is the worst offender.
      (Knowledge about wood based paper comes from DH who was in paper and pulp mill business for over thirty years.)

  4. I have not yet had bad luck with our IKEA magnet strip, have had our knives (and can opener and microplane) on it for a few years now. Thankfully, no problems, but i appreciate the head's up! Ours are on the wall beneath our cabinets above the counter, so if they fell, they would fall into our fruit basket at least!!

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